Thanks for watching the video training!

Unlock the remaining lessons and we’ll help you grow your YouTube channel faster while saving you hours every week.

Here’s everything you’ll get inside the Part-Time YouTuber Academy 👇

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy


  • 🧠 The Core PTYA Curriculum – 10+ hours of material teaching you everything we know about YouTube from getting started all the way through to monetising, building a team and turning your channel from a hobby into a thriving business.
  • 📚 PTYA Bonus Modules – More than 16 hours of extra video training on camera gear, studio setups, monetisation, repurposing, community building, newsletter creation and more.
  • 🔑 Access to all the course material so that as your channel grows, there’ll always be useful information and insights you can benefit from every step of the way.
  • 🤑 Part-Time Creatorpreneur – Access to the Part-Time Creatorpreneur to help you become a successful, confident and driven content creator with a thriving business (value $799).
  • 🚀 Part-Time YouTuber Productivity System, which includes checklists, frameworks and templates to turn you into a content-creation beast:
    • 🚂 Create videos consistently and effortlessly through our Infinite Content Engine
    • 🐝 Write captivating scripts using our H.I.V.E.S Framework and video format templates.
    • 📸 Find the perfect camera, audio, & lighting for your budget with our Gear Guru Checklists
    • 💡 Never run out of video ideas again using our Idea Generation Machine – our 7-part Framework for generating endless content ideas.
    • 📗 Find the perfect editor or writer using our Outsourcing Almanack – a detailed guide with checklists for outsourcing, including sample job descriptions for editors and tasks for writers.
    • 🔥 Showcase your individuality and stand out with our Forge Your Brand Framework – a combination of 3 of the best systems we’ve used to help you identify and leverage your edge as a creator & understand how to attract subscribers, even in a crowded niche
    • 🧭 Ensure your videos connect with the audience you want using our Creator’s Compass.
    • ☄️ Find the intersection between the videos you want to make and the ones which will grow your channel with our Identity Analyst template
  • We’ve also got exclusive interviews with over 20 creators including Mrwhosetheboss, Matt D’Avella, Nathaniel Drew, Lana Blakely, Elizabeth Filips and more, where they chat to us about different aspects of their content creation processes, their unique strengths as creators and how they think about content creation on YouTube. Our guests have a combined total of over 36 million subscribers , so there’s an incredible amount of expertise you can learn from.
  • 🎁 Exclusive Bonuses – Just for fun, we’re bundling in a bunch of incredible bonuses too. Keep scrolling for more 😉

🎁 Wait, did you say free bonuses?

Yup. We’ve decided to bundle in a bunch of free bonuses, just for fun:

Free Bonus #1

Access to the PTYA Community

Our community is one of the main reasons our students have enjoyed our course so much. Once you enrol, you’ll get access to our community of over 4,000 like-minded creators who’re sharing their wins, struggles, and learnings and are always ready to help solve your YouTube-related issues or answer your questions. You’ll also get access to our live in-person events around the world, which are exclusive to alumni of PTYA.

Free Bonus #2

Camera Confidence Online Course

In this course – with over 4.5 hours of content across 40+ lessons, I’ll be teaching you everything that I’ve learnt about camera confidence over the past few years of making hundreds of videos and coaching over 5,000 students as part of the Part-Time YouTuber Academy.

Free Bonus #3

Video Editing with Final Cut Pro X Online Course

(Normally on Skillshare, where the subscription costs $180/year) – In this 3-hour course, you’ll learn everything you need to get started with Final Cut Pro and take your editing to the next level. We’ll work to create a YouTube-style video following a 3-part workflow.

Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee & Money-Back Promise

We want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you – if you’re actually going to do the work 😉

“Do the work” technically involves completing the core modules. If you’ve done that and for whatever reason aren’t 100% happy with your experience, drop us an email (within 30 days of purchasing the course) and we’ll happily refund your entire payment.

However, please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if you’ve completed the entire course and included your reason for the cancellation in the email.

Frequently Asked Questions…

Do I need to have a YouTube channel before I take the course?

No, it’s not compulsory but we’re always going to recommend having a channel set up and being prepared to post videos so that you have the opportunity to implement what you’re learning from the course materials as you go.

What experience with YouTube do I need to have?

No past experience with YouTube is required, you just need the desire to make YouTube part of your future.

Does this course teach me how to edit?

Yes and no. You’ll get access to a free video class – ‘Video Editing with Final Cut Pro X – From Beginner to YouTuber’, as part of your purchase, but we don’t actually teach practical editing skills as part of the Part-Time YouTuber Academy curriculum itself.

What sort of channel is the course for?

The course isn’t tailored to any specific genre/style of video. That being said, educational channels (where the objective is to ‘educate’ rather than ‘entertain) are particularly ideal for this course. Still, if your videos try to provide value to your audience, the exact type of your channel won’t matter. In fact, I think the system and processes in the course can be applied to any genre of video and we’ll be on hand to help make sure that you feel able to apply these methods if you encounter any issues.

Should I wait until I have a certain number of subscribers?

No. Over the last three years of teaching 3,000+ creators how to improve their YouTube game, we’ve taught a whole range of people from those with zero subscribers to channels with over 400k. This course is designed to help everyone move their channels forward regardless of what stage of the journey they’re at.

I’ve made 100 videos already, is this course for me?

Of course 🙂 The course is aimed at creators of all abilities. Having 100 videos provides you with a really solid foundation to grow, monetise and scale your channel and we hope we can help you do that through the lessons on the course.

Is it possible to pay in instalments?

Unfortunately, we don’t not accept payments in instalments, but we offer scholarships to support eligible students.

Can I get an invoice?

No problem, just let us know via email once you’ve made a purchase that you need one and we’ll send that to you.

Shervin Shaikh

Yogi & YouTuber
178,000 Subscribers

“This is the only course on YouTube where you can meet like-minded folks who will keep you accountable to posting videos & improving your skills. It’s a like a mini-semester in Uni/College – I made new friends I still talk to everyday, I learned how to create great videos from start to finish, and I optimised my systems to increase my CTR and Watch Time.”

Cora Harrison

Investor & YouTuber
95,800 Subscribers

“PTYA saved me a lot of time when it came to finding better equipment that drastically improved the quality of my videos. You know this was all great information because it was coming directly from someone who makes multiple high-end Youtube videos a week and, as a result, has more than 3 million subscribers.”

John Gadget

Tech YouTuber
174,000 Subscribers

“Massive amounts of knowledge and learning, questions answered, friends made, ongoing access to content, new events scheduled for alumni, and the rather strange occupation of YouTuber ‘normalised’. If you’re serious about YouTube, the PTYA is a catalyst to success.”


Still not sure?

Just want to chat?

Contact us at

If you’ve got any questions about the Academy, or need a hand with anything else, we’re just an email away. Drop us a line and we’ll do our best to help 😊

The Part-Time YouTuber Academy


  • 🧠 The Core PTYA Curriculum – 10+ hours of material teaching you everything we know about YouTube from getting started all the way through to monetising, building a team and turning your channel from a hobby into a thriving business.
  • 📚 PTYA Bonus Modules – More than 16 hours of extra video training on camera gear, studio setups, monetisation, repurposing, community building, newsletter creation and more.
  • 🔑 Access to all the course material so that as your channel grows, there’ll always be useful information and insights you can benefit from every step of the way.
  • 🤑 Part-Time Creatorpreneur – Access to the Part-Time Creatorpreneur to help you become a successful, confident and driven content creator with a thriving business (value $799).
  • 🚀 Part-Time YouTuber Productivity System, which includes checklists, frameworks and templates to turn you into a content-creation beast:
    • 🚂 Create videos consistently and effortlessly through our Infinite Content Engine
    • 🐝 Write captivating scripts using our H.I.V.E.S Framework and video format templates.
    • 📸 Find the perfect camera, audio, & lighting for your budget with our Gear Guru Checklists
    • 💡 Never run out of video ideas again using our Idea Generation Machine – our 7-part Framework for generating endless content ideas.
    • 📗 Find the perfect editor or writer using our Outsourcing Almanack – a detailed guide with checklists for outsourcing, including sample job descriptions for editors and tasks for writers.
    • 🔥 Showcase your individuality and stand out with our Forge Your Brand Framework – a combination of 3 of the best systems we’ve used to help you identify and leverage your edge as a creator & understand how to attract subscribers, even in a crowded niche
    • 🧭 Ensure your videos connect with the audience you want using our Creator’s Compass.
    • ☄️ Find the intersection between the videos you want to make and the ones which will grow your channel with our Identity Analyst template
  • We’ve also got exclusive interviews with over 20 creators including Mrwhosetheboss, Matt D’Avella, Nathaniel Drew, Lana Blakely, Elizabeth Filips and more, where they chat to us about different aspects of their content creation processes, their unique strengths as creators and how they think about content creation on YouTube. Our guests have a combined total of over 36 million subscribers , so there’s an incredible amount of expertise you can learn from.
  • 🎁 Exclusive Bonuses – Just for fun, we’re bundling in a bunch of incredible bonuses too.