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How we’ve helped 5,000+ creators on their YouTube journey👇
Izzy had never made a video before she took our course. She implemented everything she learned, and her channel has grown to 600k+ subscribers since.

“I think the content is super helpful, especially for a beginner to really get an idea of the YouTube landscape and how everything works. Secondly, the amazing community of creators was something I never expected and has actually been the most valuable takeaway for me.”
Izzy Sealey (649,000 Subscribers)
Ankur had been making videos for 3 years, and had 36k subscribers. Take a look at what happened as soon as he took PTYA.

“I would absolutely recommend PTYA to anybody who wishes to start on their YouTube or content creation journey. It’s brilliant to be amongst like-minded people, it’s so awesome to be connected with people across the world […] and to then identify your own path. It’s wonderful that this programme continues to thrive.”
Warikoo (4,900,000 subscribers)
Chris already had a YouTube channel for his podcast, “Modern Wisdom” with 100k subscribers. But after taking PTYA, he decided to rebrand and relaunch his YouTube channel, taking the insights he learned from the course. Since then, his growth has absolutely skyrocketed.

“Part-Time YouTuber Academy really helped to take me from a total noob in regards to how YouTube works to pretty well-informed. It was a one-stop shop for me. It made a massive difference – the content that he and his team created is very useful and still now, 3 years after taking the course I am continuing to rely on some of the resources that I took from it then. I highly recommend it.”
Chris Williamson (2,640,000 subscribers)